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Recent activities

Continous effort to improve the standard and quality of care to meet the international standard

Dr Devbhandari has been working hard to modernizing and improve the standard in all areas of hospital including the operating theatre, intensive care and out patient department with training of manpower, acquiring new equipments and patient safety protocols. He has been able to bringing world class surgery to the reach of ordinary Nepalese citizens. 

Advocacy and education for organ donation after brain death in Nepal

Dr Devbhandari was one of the key surgeons involved in the first Kidney transplant from a brain dead donor as well as first liver transplant from a live donor along with colleague Dr Pukar Chandra Shrestha. He is a frequent speaker at public events to promote organ donation. He was invited to deliver a guest lecure at Rotary club of Thamel about organ donation after brain death. 

Contribution in developing future surgeons of Nepal

Dr Devbhandari teaches regularly at vascular anastomosis workshops organized by Vascular Society of Nepal. Twenty surgeons of different surgical desciplines from different parts of Nepal attended the recent Vascular anastomosis workshop held in Kathmandu in August 2018.  He prides himself in being able to spread the knowledge and skill to future generation of surgeons. 

Campaign to raise awareness on how to keep heart healthy

Participation in regular health camps to provide health care at local communities and raise awareness on how to keep heart healthy. Attending a health in earthquake ravaged Bhaktapur in the after math of disaster.

Partnership with Cardiostart International

Our newly established cardiac center has teamed up with Cardiostart International which is a charity organization devoted to developing cardiac services in developing countries. Together we organized cardiac education program for health care workers, echocardiography course for echocardiographers, out reach clinics in remote areas, cardiac surgery and catheter laboratory procedures. The charity has completed several missions and the partnership is on going.

International networking to raise the standard of practice in Nepal

Dr Devbhandari maintains a good network of professional leaders from across the globe. He regularly updates himself by interacting with experts in different fields. Mr Jones, Senior consultant cardiothoracic surgeon and examiner for the Royal College of Surgeons of England visited SDNTC in Bhaktapur and provided mentorship to Dr Devbhandari's team. 

Dr Robert Rolling from USA visited SDNTC

Dr Robert Rollings who is world expert on cardiac MRI spent two weeks at SDNTC. He trained our echocardiographers and help set up cardiac CT scan protocol. 

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